PhotoPGP Full Edition: o viewer fully supports secure image decryption o camera and index fully supp...
PhotoPGP Full Edition: o viewer fully supports secure image decryption o camera and index fully supports public key encryption o supports private storage directory access - for secure decryptionYour phones camera stores image files in public shared storage. This means that when you take a photo, it can be accessed, analyzed, and shared by other apps on your phone. How can you control this access to your photos? -- by encrypting them before they are written to public shared storage.PhotoPGP integrates encryption into the process of capturing an image using the OpenPGP framework for Android (OpenKeychain), and never exposes intermediate image data to public shared storage.Using your private-key, the PhotoPGP viewer automatically decrypts your photos securely with nothing shared. And you can allow others access to specific photos by selecting their PGP public-keys when encrypting.PhotoPGP is used to take photos of sensitive, private, or confidential information such as health, financial, and personal identity records.o private hand-written notes (ex. password sheets)o personal identity informationo legal documents (ex. contracts, wills, insurance policies)o inventory data documenting collections and asset valueso financial and health data (ex. tax records, lab results, receipts)o proprietary informationPhotoPGP enables you to store your encrypted images safely anywhere (email, thumb-drive, cloud and off-site backup services) preventing tampering and unauthorized access.PhotoPGP keeps your private data private, and shares only what you want -- in confidence.Visit for more information.PREREQUISITESo install OpenKeychain, an implementation of OpenPGP for Android. PhotoPGP works together with the OpenKeychain app for secure PGP key handling and cryptographic supporto import your PGP private-key into OpenKeychain (or use the ‘demo-private-key.asc’ provided)PERMISSIONSo Camera permission is needed to capture photoso Write-External-Storage permission to write encrypted photos, notes and folders located in shared external directories (Download, Pictures, and DCIM).FILE STORAGE LOCATIONSPublic Shared Storageo shared external directories (Download, Pictures, and DCIM) -- requires Write-External-Storage permissiono public PhotoPGP directory -- does not require Write-External-Storage permissionPrivate Storageo private PhotoPGP directory for unencrypted images, thumbnail image cache, and note cacheDIRECTORY AND ZIP-FILE FEATURESo PhotoPGP allows you to select storage locations for photos, and create folders to help organize your photo collections. o PhotoPGP supports ZIP-files to help facilitate the easy transfer of files.OPENPGP FEATURESo encryption file format (ASCII armor or PGP binary)o private key for decryption and signingo public keys for your recipientso encrypted notes can be associated with photos, folders, ZIP-files, and as stand-alone fileso photos and notes can be signed to ensure they have not been altered, and signatures can be easily verifiedPREVIEW AND CAMERA FEATURESo camera preview window scale and the aspect ratio that is best for your deviceo use PNG format or JPEG compression to save storage space and reduce the time required for image encryption.o set burst count to capture a series of imagesCACHE FEATURESo encrypted note cacheo thumbnail image cacheMORE FEATURESo enable toast messages to signal various status changeso enable vibration to signal when photo-encryption is complete